Eva Icikson - Resident Teacher

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Eva Icikson is a remarkable Tango dancer and instructor with over 15 years of international experience. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Eva has dedicated her life to mastering this captivating dance form.

Throughout her career, Eva has achieved numerous accomplishments, including being a four-time finalist in the Tango Salon World Championship. She has trained with some of the most respected and influential Tango masters, including Graciela Gonzalez, Julio Balmaceda, Corina de la Rosa, and Horacio Godoy.

Eva’s journey in the world of Tango has also been influenced by her partnership with Brenno Marques, with whom she has evolved as a professional dancer and teacher between 2013 and 2022.

Her passion for Tango is evident in her dynamic and engaging classes, where she shares her knowledge and expertise with her students.

Eva Icikson is a true ambassador of the Tango tradition, and she continues to make valuable contributions to the dance community, particularly in Belgium, where she has been based in Ghent for the past four years. Through her teaching and performances, Eva spreads the joy and beauty of Tango to new generations of dancers and remains committed to advancing the art form through her ongoing practice and study.