Free Trial Lessons

During the school year, our regular courses are open to new students who would like to try our lessons. We offer different levels, from Beginners to Advanced dancers, with or without dancing partners.

In addition to these courses, we regularly organize open tango initiation sessions. Stay tuned for updates by subscribing to our newsletter.

Please fill out the form below, telling us a little about your dancing experience and which lesson you would like to join, or to enroll in our upcoming Tango initiation session. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


22/02 16hs @ Trefpunt Concertzaal – Level: Absolute beginners, no partner needed.

We will be happy to offer you a trial lesson opportunity that adjusts to your agenda and your dancing experience. Important: if you don’t receive an answer within 72hs working hours please check the spam folder of your email address.

Street, number, Post Code, City. Ex: Nieuwland 16, 9000, Gent.