Private & Semi-Private Lessons
Private Lessons with Eva Icikson
Private lessons for one single student or a couple. You can personalize the schedule and the content of the lessons according to your needs.
1 lesson €75– / 4 lessons pack €280– / 8 lessons pack €520- (Prices are for an hour lesson for one single student or a couple. Lesson’s Packs must be used within 3 months after the first lesson).
The private lessons are hosted in Gent, depending on availability of the venues.
Semi-Private Lessons for Couples
Semi-private lessons for up to 3 couples. You can choose the dates that suit you better and discuss the content of the lessons according to your needs. A minimum of 3 couples per date is needed to run the lessons.
1 lesson €40- / 3 lessons pack €112- / 6 lessons pack €210- (Prices are for an hour lesson per couple. Lesson’s Packs must be used within 3 months after the first lesson).
The private lessons are hosted in Gent, depending on availability of the venues.